Dachshund Names

The Dachshund, fondly referred to as the “weenie dog”, comes in three sizes and three varieties. Choose from short-haired, wire-haired, and long-haired dogs, as well as normal, miniature, and toy breeds ranging from a mere 8 pounds and less than 12 inches high to the largest breed at 20 pounds and up to 18 inches…

Chihuahua Names

Chihuahua is more than just a breed of dog; it is a state in Mexico after which the dog breed is named. Therefore, it’s been common in the past to choose ethnic Chihuahua names to match the background. On the other hand, because of their miniature stature, other names have been chosen based on size….

Boxer Dog Names

Boxers are sturdy, stocky dogs that, while medium in stature, are built thick and tough. In fact, the muscular build of a boxer may bring to mind the physique of, well, a boxer in a ring. Boxer dog names are often chosen based on this appearance, especially in the case of male boxers. The name…

Beagle Names

There are two strategies to choosing beagle dog names, aside from just picking a name you like. First of all, beagles are hounds, a dog typically used for hunting. These small hunting dogs were used to track down foxes and sniff out their burrows and holes. They have keen noses, and they have a very…

Sled Dog Names

Because of the culture of the people who utilize the strength of the breeds, sled dogs often end up with very cultural names. Most sled dog names will come from Inupiaq, the language used in the North Slope or in Central Yup’ik, the language spoken by the greatest number of native Alaskans. There are also…

Rescue Dog Names

Rescue dogs are trained as heroes, and often times, they achieve goals that humans can only dream of. These dogs have many abilities, including finding lost individuals based on a scent, leading people out of tunnels, and helping people out of other sticky situations where, many times, other people can’t go. For this reason, rescue…

Police Dog Names

Because of the line of work, police dogs have a need to be viewed as tough, strong, and somewhat aggressive. They must also be intelligent and easily trained. Most of the time, German shepherds and Doberman pinschers are the chosen breeds for police work, though Labrador retrievers, golden retrievers, and Brestons are also popular for…

Hunting Dog Names

For ages, dogs have been used by hunters to assist in sniffing out prey, finding animals that have been shot down, and tracking burrowing animals. Especially breeds like pointers and hounds were bred for this purpose. In wanting to appear tough, many hunters will choose hunting dog names for their pets, hoping to instill fear…

Scottish Dog Names

Much like the Irishmen, Scots like to stick to tradition, in both cultural occurrences and identification. For this reason, many Scottish families choose to pass on Scottish dog names to their beloved friends. Many Scottish names are derived by determining ancestry or occupation, and the same can be said for Scottish dog name, especially in…