If you are planning on purchasing or adopting a new puppy, you will need to consider a few things first.  Besides the basics, such as how the puppy will get food and water, bathing, and playing with the puppy, you will need to consider how your puppy will adapt to your home.  Is your home ready for a new puppy? 
There are a few things that you can do before your new puppy joins the members of your family to help ease the transition for your new addition.

When preparing your home for a new puppy, consider that young puppies are a lot like babies.  If you take the same care in preparing your home for a puppy as you would with preparing your home for a baby, you can be fairly sure that you are preparing a safe haven for your new puppy.  There are a few things you’ll need to consider.
Poisons.  Your puppy can become severely ill or even die if it gets a hold of dangerous household chemicals.  Move these items to an area that is off limits to the puppy or install baby locks on the cabinet.  As your puppy grows, he or she will gain strength and may be able to pry open the cabinets even though they are locked.  Your best bet is to put these on a high shelf completely out of reach.

Electrical Cords.  These can give your new puppy quite a shock if he or she begins chewing through the wires.  Do as much as you can to hide the wires and get them out of your puppy’s reach.  This may not be possible with every wire, but eliminating most of them can help keep your new puppy safe.

Valuables.  Put away anything that you don’t want knocked over, eaten or destroyed.  Valuable vases, plants or sentimental stuffed animals should be moved to a safe place before you take your puppy home.  Remember, your new addition is a curious little thing – don’t be angry if he or she gets a hold of and ruins something that is valuable to you.  They shouldn’t have gotten a hold of it in the first place!

Yard.  Always, always, always take the yard or outdoor area where you plan to take your puppy to play into account when making your home safe for your new puppy.  Make sure you have an adequate fence without holes or places where he or she can escape.  Check for trash or debris that could possibly hurt his or her paws or that could be eaten and choked on. 

Small items.  Your new puppy can easily get a hold of small items such as pens and pencils or other small items.  Your puppy may try to chew on these items and may choke on them.  Remove or throw away items that your new puppy can easily eat and choke on.
By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your new puppy will have a safe and happy home.

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